
Can an Entrepreneur Use a Business Meeting Room Rental?

Now that the pandemic is beginning to recede as the majority of the population is vaccinated, face-to-face interactions—including business meetings—are on the rise. In a survey conducted in May, almost half of consumers said they are planning unique experiences in the latter part of the year. 46% indicate they are ready to return to live experiences and events one month after they’ve been vaccinated—and this number is likely to increase over coming months.

In-person Meetings Expected to Rebound

In-person business meetings were a critical component of the pre-pandemic economy, and we are witnessing a resurgence as businesses reopen their offices and reconvene in-person meetings. Various options exist when it comes to meeting space. 

Evaluating Your Meeting Room Options

When it comes to meeting space, different options exist. Coffee shops are popular places for entrepreneurs and businesses without a permanent office space that includes a meeting room. They also are convenient spots for meetings when business professionals are traveling and not near their home offices. But coffee shops come with a lot of entanglements. They are noisy and lack privacy. Meetings can be disrupted and there are no presentation tools such as whiteboards and flipcharts. Occupying a space for a lengthy period of time can be a problem as well. Meeting participants may feel compelled to purchase drinks and food regularly to justify taking up space in the establishment. 

Hotel meeting rooms are another option. But they are expensive—50% more than a rented meeting space—and the space is often difficult to configure for a productive meeting. In addition, noise can be a problem with some hotel meeting rooms—whether adjacent rooms or guest traffic outside of the room. 

Businesses with permanent office space that contains meeting rooms will elect to use it. But those meeting rooms are not always the most appropriate choice due to the proximity the meeting participants to your corporate office, the number of people the meeting room will accommodate, or the professional ambience of the corporate office. 

Reasons to Use a Rented Meeting Room

Rented meeting rooms are a great option for entrepreneurs and businesses. Prior to the pandemic, growing numbers of entrepreneurs and businesses were turning to them; not only for client meetings but for other types of meetings—board, partner, staff training, to name a few. Following are reasons why entrepreneurs and businesses should use rented meeting rooms. 

Business First Impressions

Even if a business has a permanent office with meeting rooms, it may not be the best location for certain types of meetings. First impressions matter. Meeting with an important prospect in the wrong meeting space can doom the relationship from the start. Meeting rooms like those from Davinci Meeting Rooms are in locations that have professional cache and imbue a great impression. And it simply isn’t the address; lobby greeters, business services, presentation tools, office design all play a role.

Productive Meetings

Coffee shops and hotel meeting rooms do not come with the accoutrements that make for a productive meeting. Rented meeting rooms have the right presentation tools to make your presentations sparkle and resonate. They also come with business services for faxing, scheduling, photocopying, and more. Finally, rented meeting rooms have video conferencing capabilities that enable you to include virtual participants.

Convenient Locations

Rented meeting rooms provide entrepreneurs and businesses with the flexibility to book meetings in close proximity for meeting participants—whether partners, board members, clients, partners, or prospects. This improves work-life balance while reducing the amount of time spent commuting (and the environmental effects). Rented meeting room providers have thousands of locations across the U.S. as well as the world, making it easy to find and book a space in a convenient location.

Easy of Booking

Rented meeting room providers like Davinci Meeting Rooms allow users to view rooms in each location—whether through a standard web browser or via a mobile app—and gather information such as available business services. For professionals on the go, ease of booking is critical—enabling them to reserve a room and other needed services (e.g., catering, presentation tools, etc.) at their convenience. 

Get the Benefits of a Lobby Greeter

Coffee shops, hotel rooms, and often offices don’t have lobby greeters who can offer concierge services and assistance to meeting participants. Rented meeting rooms come with lobby greeters who can answer questions about parking, internet connections, business support, local eateries, and directions to your next appointment. 

Enjoy Catered Drinks and Food

When meetings are scheduled for a lengthy period of time, entrepreneurs and businesses likely need to provide participants with food and drink. Rented meeting rooms offer catering services that enable you to focus business issues and meeting guests rather than on coordinating delivery of food and drink—not to mention cleaning up afterwards.

Reduce Your Expenses 

Rented meeting rooms are significant less expensive than a hotel conference room. For virtual businesses without offices, there is no need to purchase and maintain presentation tools, video conferencing systems, and more. All of this can quickly add up to significant costs. 

Rented Meeting Rooms, a Key Tool in Your Toolbox

Much has been written about the future of meetings post-COVID-19. Hybrid work environments where employees work part of the week from their home offices and the remainder of the week from a company workspace—whether in the corporate office or a coworking space provider—are likely to be the norm for most organizations. 

As part of this process, hybrid meetings where some attendees are in person and others are virtual will also become a regular occurrence. At the same time, in-person meeting expectations will rise; attendees will no longer settle for mediocre meetings but rather demand that meetings achieve desired outcomes and are efficient. Critical to that process will be the meeting room, and rented meeting rooms will be key facilitators. Rented meeting room providers like Davinci Meeting Rooms will be an important tool in the toolbox of entrepreneurs and businesses alike. 


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