Event Spaces

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What is Hoteling Office Space? [What to Know]

Office hoteling adds another layer of flexibility to flexible workspaces by eliminating assigned seating and allowing members to reserve the type of office space that flows and fits perfectly  with their daily changing tasks and objectives. 

Office Space Hoteling enables you to book a meeting room for your weekly all-hands-meeting, work from home on Tuesday, book a private office to make crucial business calls on Wednesday, and then drop by at a desk in the coworking space on Thursday and Friday in between meetings at your most important clients’ HQs.

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Need a Place for Employee Training? Rent a Training Room!

Employee training and development programs are more important than one imagines, for a variety of different reasons. Certainly, some training must be done as a checkbox to satisfy industry or government regulations or to ensure employees know how to use new technologies or follow new processes. In other instances, the primary objectives revolve around helping employees develop new skills and to Read more

Need a Conference Room for a Video Shoot? Choose Davinci

The use cases for Davinci Meeting and Conference Rooms are quite diverse. Sometimes customers simply need a larger office with all of the proper meeting accoutrements such as a lobby greeter, Internet access, presentation tools, among other. It might be an internal meeting, or it might be a meeting with a partner or customer. Others may be looking for something more

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