
Meeting Room Rental for Business Coaching [What to Know]

It is a fact that the covid-19 pandemic was a huge driving force for people who wanted to start their own business. Most felt like this crisis was exactly the push they needed to step outside of their comfort zone and take major risks in their careers. This wave of new entrepreneurs and freelancers has also meant that business coaches are in very high demand these days. 

But although it is a great thing for the business coaching industry as a whole, as a business coach it is important to capitalize on these fantastic circumstances now. Here are a few tips to help you do just that:

Building credibility

The most important asset for any business coach is their credibility. It doesn’t matter if you have been doing this for decades or if you are just starting out, companies will be investigating your whole operation thoroughly before making the decision to hire you to help them out. This is why it is important to take care that your company always presents a professional image, both on and offline. 

Maximize available tools

Presenting a professional image doesn’t necessarily mean spending a lot of money. Today there are many tools available to you that used to be out of reach. Take office space for example, having an office in the business district of any big city used to be very expensive, but with virtual offices you can have a great business address anywhere in the world at a fraction of the cost. 

The same applies to owning a business phone number, hiring a virtual receptionist, and booking a private office or meeting room. So there really is no excuse for not presenting a professional image to your clients. 

Becoming an authority

As a business coach you know that it is important to focus your energies on a very specific niche. Whether you are a digital marketing coach specialized on organic growth, a sales coach who specializes in conversions, or a human resources coach who helps companies hire fully remote teams, the way to stand out within these niches is to become an authority. 

There are many ways of becoming an authority. You can write a few articles for trade magazines, write a couple of guest posts in relevant blogs, and give free seminars. Although the first two options are a bit more difficult because you will first have to convince these magazines and blogs to actually publish your articles, giving a free seminar is entirely within your reach. 

All you need to do is to book an event room for 2 to 3 hours and promote your event within your network. The best thing about booking an event room is that you can take advantage of the existing business community within this flexible workspace. 

Understanding your target market

If you mainly work with freelancers and entrepreneurs, it is important to keep in mind that they usually don’t have the facilities you need to coach them properly. They might have a very small office with no access to a proper meeting room, they might work at a coworking space, or they might work from home. A great strategy for you as a business coach would be to have a few meeting rooms mapped out, so you can choose and book any one of them whenever you need to. 


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