
Essential Remote Team Best Practices

The landscape of work has undergone a seismic shift in recent years, with remote work emerging as a dominant force in the global economy. This transformation, accelerated by technological advancements and recent global events, has reshaped how teams collaborate and businesses operate. However, with this evolution comes a unique set of challenges for distributed teams, including communication barriers, cultural disconnects, and productivity hurdles.

To thrive in this new environment, organizations must adapt and embrace best practices tailored to remote work dynamics. These strategies are crucial for maintaining team cohesion, ensuring effective communication, and driving productivity across geographical boundaries. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore 20 essential best practices for remote teams, covering everything from daily operations to planning successful offsite meetings. By implementing these tips, your team can overcome common pitfalls and unlock the full potential of remote collaboration.


Best Practice



Establish Clear Communication Channels

Designate specific platforms for different types of communication (e.g., Slack for quick updates, email for formal communications)


Set Expectations for Response Times

Create guidelines for response times based on urgency and nature of communication


Implement Regular Check-ins

Schedule consistent team meetings and one-on-ones to ensure connectivity


Use Video Calls for Important Meetings

Utilize video calls for crucial discussions to capture facial expressions and body language


Choose the Right Project Management Tool

Select appropriate software (e.g., Monday.com, Asana) to keep teams organized and on track


Utilize Cloud-based Document Sharing

Use platforms like Google Workspace for real-time collaboration on documents


Implement Virtual Whiteboarding Tools

Use tools like Miro or MURAL for digital brainstorming and visual collaboration


Encourage Asynchronous Collaboration

Use tools like Loom or Notion to allow team members to contribute at their own pace


Create Virtual Water Cooler Moments

Set up spaces for casual conversation to replicate spontaneous office interactions


Celebrate Team Wins and Milestones

Acknowledge achievements to reinforce shared success and motivation


Implement Remote Team-building Activities

Organize virtual activities like online games or book clubs to foster relationships


Encourage Peer-to-Peer Recognition

Implement a system for team members to appreciate each other's contributions


Set Clear Goals and Deadlines

Establish SMART goals and break larger projects into manageable tasks


Use Time-tracking Tools

Implement software like RescueTime to help team members understand their work patterns


Encourage Work-life Balance

Promote healthy boundaries by setting clear expectations about working hours


Implement Focused Work Sessions

Introduce "deep work" concepts for concentrated work on important tasks


Research and Compare Meeting Room Providers

Consider options like Davinci Meeting Rooms for occasional in-person gatherings


Consider Location and Accessibility for Team Members

Choose meeting venues that are convenient for most team members


Evaluate Amenities and Technology Available

Ensure rented spaces have necessary tech and amenities for productive meetings


Plan for Hybrid Meeting Capabilities

Prioritize spaces with robust hybrid meeting technology for inclusive participation

20 Remote Work Best Practices

Communication Best Practices

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful remote teams. Without the luxury of face-to-face interactions, it is crucial to establish robust communication practices that keep everyone aligned and informed.

1. Establish Clear Communication Channels

Designate specific platforms for different types of communication. For example, use Slack or Teams for quick questions and updates, email for formal communications, and project management tools like Monday.com, Asana, or Trello for task-related discussions. This clarity helps team members know where to find information and how to reach out effectively.

2. Set Expectations for Response Times

In a remote setting, it is easy for messages to pile up or get lost. Establish guidelines for response times based on the urgency and nature of the communication. For instance, instant messages might require a response within a few hours, while emails could have a 24-hour window. This prevents miscommunication and reduces anxiety about when to expect replies.

3. Implement Regular Check-ins

Schedule consistent team meetings and one-on-one sessions to ensure everyone stays connected. Daily stand-ups can help teams align on priorities, while weekly or bi-weekly team meetings allow for broader discussions. Regular one-on-ones between managers and team members provide opportunities for feedback, support, and addressing individual concerns.

4. Use Video Calls for Important Meetings

While not every interaction needs to be face-to-face, video calls are invaluable for important discussions, brainstorming sessions, or sensitive conversations. Seeing facial expressions and body language helps prevent misunderstandings and fosters a stronger sense of connection among team members. Encourage team members to turn on their cameras during these calls to maximize engagement and build rapport.

Collaboration Tools and Techniques 

In the remote work environment, leveraging the right tools and techniques is essential for seamless collaboration. These digital solutions bridge the gap created by physical distance, enabling teams to work together effectively.

5. Choose the Right Project Management Tool

Selecting appropriate project management software is crucial for keeping remote teams organized and on track. Tools like Monday.com, Asana, Trello, or Jira offer features such as task assignment, progress tracking, and deadline management. When choosing a platform, consider your team’s specific needs, workflow, and the complexity of your projects. Ensure the tool integrates well with other software you use to create a streamlined workflow.

6. Utilize Cloud-based Document Sharing

Cloud-based document sharing platforms like Google Workspace or Microsoft 365 enable real-time collaboration on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. These tools allow multiple team members to work on the same file simultaneously, reducing version control issues and eliminating the need for constant file exchanges. Implement a clear folder structure and naming conventions to keep your shared drive organized and easily navigable.

7. Implement Virtual Whiteboarding Tools

Virtual whiteboarding tools such as Miro, MURAL, or Figma bring the collaborative energy of in-person brainstorming sessions to the digital realm. These platforms allow team members to visualize ideas, create mind maps, and work on design projects together in real-time. Encourage your team to use these tools for brainstorming sessions, project planning, and visual collaboration.

8. Encourage Asynchronous Collaboration

Asynchronous collaboration tools like Loom for video messaging or Notion for collaborative wikis allow team members to contribute at their own pace, accommodating different time zones and work schedules. This approach reduces the need for constant meetings and allows for more focused, uninterrupted work time. Establish guidelines for when to use asynchronous communication versus real-time collaboration to maintain a balance that works for your team.

Building Team Culture Remotely

Fostering a strong team culture in a remote environment is essential for maintaining morale, boosting engagement, and creating a sense of belonging among distributed team members. While it may seem challenging without physical proximity, there are numerous strategies to build and nurture a vibrant remote team culture.

9. Create Virtual Water Cooler Moments

Replicate the spontaneous interactions that occur in office settings by creating virtual spaces for casual conversation. Set up dedicated Slack channels for non-work discussions, such as #random or #watercooler, where team members can share interesting articles, memes, or personal updates. Consider implementing virtual coffee breaks or lunch sessions where team members can join a video call to chat informally, fostering connections beyond work-related topics.

10. Celebrate Team Wins and Milestones

Acknowledge and celebrate team achievements, no matter how small. Use team-wide communication channels to announce project completions, client wins, or individual accomplishments. For significant milestones, consider organizing virtual celebrations, such as online team happy hours or sending surprise care packages to team members. These celebrations reinforce a sense of shared success and motivate the team to continue excelling.

11. Implement Remote Team-building Activities

Organize regular team-building activities that can be conducted virtually. This could include online game sessions, virtual escape rooms, or team trivia contests. Consider book clubs, fitness challenges, or hobby-sharing sessions to cater to diverse interests. These activities provide opportunities for team members to interact in a relaxed setting, fostering stronger relationships and improving collaboration during work hours.

12. Encourage Peer-to-Peer Recognition

Implement a system for team members to recognize and appreciate each other’s contributions. This could be through a dedicated Slack channel or Teams chat for shout-outs, a monthly “kudos” email, or using recognition features in project management tools. Peer recognition not only boosts morale but also helps team members understand the impact of their work on colleagues and the overall team goals.

Productivity and Time Management

In a remote work environment, maintaining high productivity and effective time management can be challenging. Without the structure of a traditional office, team members must develop self-discipline and utilize strategies to stay focused and efficient.

13. Set Clear Goals and Deadlines

Establish SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals for both individual team members and the team as a whole. Break larger projects into smaller, manageable tasks with defined deadlines. Use project management tools to track progress and ensure everyone is aligned on priorities and timelines. Regular check-ins can help address any roadblocks and keep projects on track.

14. Use Time-tracking Tools

Implement time-tracking software like RescueTime or Toggl to help team members understand how they are spending their work hours. This data can reveal productivity patterns, identify time-wasting activities, and help in more accurate project estimations. Encourage team members to use these insights for self-improvement rather than as a surveillance tool.

15. Encourage Work-life Balance

Promote a healthy work-life balance by setting clear expectations about working hours and respecting off-hours. Encourage team members to take regular breaks, use their vacation time, and disconnect at the end of the workday. Lead by example and avoid sending non-urgent communications outside of working hours. Consider implementing “no-meeting” days to allow for uninterrupted focus time.

16. Implement Focused Work Sessions

Introduce the concept of “deep work” or focused work sessions. Encourage team members to block out chunks of time (e.g., 90-minute sessions) for concentrated work on important tasks. During these periods, team members should minimize distractions by turning off notifications and avoiding email or instant messaging. The Pomodoro Technique, which involves 25-minute focused work sessions followed by short breaks, can be an effective method for maintaining concentration and preventing burnout.

Finding and Using Rented Meeting Rooms

While remote work offers flexibility, there are times when face-to-face meetings are invaluable. Rented meeting rooms can provide the perfect solution for occasional in-person gatherings. Following is how to find and make the most of these spaces:

17. Research and Compare Meeting Room Providers

When searching for the ideal meeting space for your remote team, Davinci Meeting Rooms stands out as a premier option. Davinci Meeting Rooms offers a wide network of professional meeting spaces across numerous locations, making it an excellent choice for distributed teams. 

One of Davinci Meeting Rooms' strengths is its vast selection of locations, ranging from downtown business centers to suburban office parks. This variety ensures you can find a convenient spot for all team members, regardless of their location. Davinci Meeting Rooms also offers transparent pricing, allowing you to compare costs across different venues easily. You can select a location convenient for team members. If your team is spread across different cities, consider a central location or rotate meeting locations to be fair to everyone. Look for venues with good public transportation links and adequate parking facilities. For team members who may need to travel long distances, consider proximity to airports and hotels. Accessibility for team members with disabilities should also be a top priority.

18. Consider Location and Accessibility for Team Members

Choose a location that is convenient for most team members. If your team is spread across different cities, consider a central location or rotate meeting locations to be fair to everyone. Look for venues with good public transportation links and adequate parking facilities. For team members who may need to travel long distances, consider proximity to airports and hotels. Accessibility for team members with disabilities should also be a top priority.

19. Evaluate Amenities and Technology Available

When considering rented meeting space, you will find a comprehensive range of amenities and cutting-edge technology to support your team’s needs. Key features typically include:

• High-speed Wi-Fi with reliable connectivity

• State-of-the-art video conferencing systems for seamless hybrid meetings

• Interactive whiteboards or smart displays for collaborative sessions

• Large, high-resolution screens for impactful presentations

• Ergonomic seating and adjustable lighting for comfort during long meetings

• On-site business center with printing, copying, and scanning services

• Catering options or kitchenette facilities for refreshments

With Davinci Meeting Rooms, you can filter rooms based on specific amenities, ensuring you find a space that aligns perfectly with your meeting objectives. Whether you need a formal boardroom for client presentations or a more relaxed setting for team brainstorming, Davinci Meeting Rooms offer versatile options to suit various meeting styles.

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20. Plan for Hybrid Meeting Capabilities

When selecting a rented meeting room, prioritize spaces that offer robust hybrid meeting capabilities. This ensures that team members who cannot attend in person can still participate effectively. Key considerations include:

• High-quality audio and video equipment that allows remote participants to see and hear clearly

• Multiple cameras to capture different angles of the room, including close-ups of speakers and wide shots of the entire group

• Interactive technology that enables remote participants to contribute in real-time, such as digital whiteboards that can be accessed both in-room and remotely

• Reliable, high-speed internet connection to support seamless video streaming and online collaboration

• Screen sharing capabilities for both in-room and remote presenters

• Chat or Q&A features that allow remote participants to contribute without interrupting the flow of conversation

By ensuring your rented space can accommodate hybrid meetings effectively, you maintain inclusivity and productivity, regardless of whether team members are physically present or joining remotely. This approach also provides flexibility in case of last-minute changes to attendance or unexpected travel issues.

Making the Most of Rented Meeting Spaces

When utilizing rented meeting rooms for your team gatherings, it is crucial to maximize the value of your rented space. Here are key strategies to ensure a productive and engaging meeting experience:

1. Arrive Early to Set Up and Test Equipment

Designate a team member to arrive at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start time. This allows ample time to:

• Familiarize yourself with the room layout and controls

• Test the Wi-Fi connection and video conferencing equipment

• Set up any presentation materials or displays

• Adjust lighting and temperature for optimal comfort

• Coordinate with local meeting room staff for any last-minute needs or questions

2. Utilize Available Tools and Spaces Effectively

Make full use of the resources in your rented meeting room, including:

• Use whiteboards or smart displays for brainstorming sessions

• Leverage breakout rooms for small group discussions

• Take advantage of high-quality AV equipment for impactful presentations

• Utilize any available office supplies or business center services as needed

3. Balance Structured Meeting Time with Informal Interactions

While it is important to stick to your agenda, also allow time for team bonding:

• Schedule short breaks for casual conversations

• Consider using rented meeting room common areas or lounges for more relaxed discussions

• If catering is provided, use mealtimes as opportunities for team members to connect informally

• Plan ice-breaker activities or team-building exercises that take advantage of the in-person setting

4. Gather Feedback for Future Rentals

After the meeting, collect input from your team to improve future experiences:

• Ask about the suitability of the room size and layout

• Get feedback on the effectiveness of the available technology

• Inquire about the comfort level and overall experience

• Discuss any additional amenities or services that would have been beneficial

Offsite Team Meetings: Beyond the Meeting Room

When planning offsite meetings with rented meeting rooms, consider extending your team’s experience beyond the primary meeting space:

1. Look for Spaces with Breakout Areas and Collaborative Zones

Rented meeting rooms often offer versatile layouts that include main conference rooms alongside smaller breakout areas. Utilize these spaces to facilitate small group discussions, brainstorming sessions, or provide areas for team members to recharge between intense work periods.

2. Balance Work and Leisure Amenities for Team Bonding

Often, rented meeting rooms are situated in buildings or complexes with additional amenities. Look for venues that offer lounges, outdoor spaces, or recreational areas where your team can relax and bond during breaks or after the formal meeting concludes.

3. Consider Nearby Attractions for Team Activities

When selecting a meeting room location, research nearby attractions or activities that could complement your offsite. This might include restaurants for team dinners, parks for outdoor activities, or local cultural sites for team outings. Concierge services with the rented meeting room provider can often assist in planning these extra activities.

4. Plan for Meals and Refreshments

Certain rented meeting room providers like Davinci Meeting Rooms Take advantage of catering and beverage options to keep your team energized throughout the day. Consider scheduling working lunches in the meeting room or arranging group meals at local restaurants to change the scenery and encourage informal interactions.

Conclusion: Remote Team Best Practices

Successful remote team management requires a thoughtful approach to communication, collaboration, culture-building, and productivity. By implementing best practices such as clear communication channels, effective use of digital tools, and strategic in-person meetings through services like Davinci Meeting Rooms, teams can thrive in the digital workspace.

The landscape of remote work continues to evolve, driven by technological advancements and changing workforce expectations. As such, it is crucial for teams and leaders to remain flexible and open to new ideas. The practices outlined here provide a solid foundation, but the most successful remote teams will be those that continually adapt and refine their approaches.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Q: What are the most important communication tools for remote teams?

A: Essential communication tools include video conferencing platforms for face-to-face meetings, instant messaging apps for quick questions, and project management software for task-related discussions. It is crucial to establish clear guidelines on which tools to use for different types of communication.

2. Q: How can we maintain team culture in a remote work environment?

A: Maintain team culture by creating virtual water cooler moments, celebrating team wins, implementing remote team-building activities, and encouraging peer-to-peer recognition. Regular virtual social events and informal chat channels can help foster connections among team members.

3. Q: What should we consider when booking a meeting room for an in-person team gathering?

A: When booking a meeting room, consider the location's accessibility for all team members, available amenities and technology, and the space's suitability for your meeting objectives. Davinci Meeting Rooms offers a wide range of options with comprehensive amenities and easy booking processes.

4. Q: How can we ensure productivity in a remote team?

A: Ensure productivity by setting clear goals and deadlines, using time-tracking tools, encouraging work-life balance, and implementing focused work sessions. Regular check-ins and clear communication about expectations can also help maintain high productivity levels.

5. Q: What are some best practices for planning successful offsite team meetings?

A: For successful offsites, set clear objectives, create a balanced agenda that includes both work and team-building activities, and plan for follow-up actions. Consider utilizing spaces beyond the main meeting room, such as breakout areas or nearby attractions, to enhance the team experience.

Additional Resources

16 Tips to Ensure Your Remote Staff Stays Engaged


5 Tips to Improve Communication Within Your Remote Team


How to Transition to Remote Work [Tips & Tricks]


25 Important Tips to Manage a Productive Virtual Team


Why Collaboration Is Essential in Business While Working Remotely



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