
The Power of Social Interaction

DMR_week34_2There is no doubt that there is power in numbers. That's why social media has taken off like a bat out of hell. At least, that's how it seems sometimes. Just look at what happens with each scandal du jour. Before you know it, everyone is talking about it - whether they really want to or not!

Social interaction at work has its good days and bad days, just like everything else. But I notice that when I'm really taking the time to really be there and present, the day just goes better. No matter what I am doing, that's the key to doing well that day or not. We have our hurdles and crosses to bear, but somehow when we can work with others, it makes it all much easier.

Even with technology creating more mobility and people working from home and coffee shops - only those who figure out how to play well with others really make it. Especially if you're just starting out with a small business. Every business started out as a small one. So what happens to make them larger?

I'd put my money on social interaction as the key to power or dominance. Not that we all have to strive for that, but just think about how many major deals are made on a golf course or even a night club. One factor of social interaction is finding the best ways to engage other people.

But without a lot of money, how is a newcomer going to court new clients, or get the funds they desperately need? I find that meeting rooms are a great alternative to going to a pricey event just to avoid risking the embarrassment of meeting at a crappy restaurant or, God forbid, a coffee house.

When you can get a meeting room for as little as $15 at Davinci - why would you even think about spending tons of money on a fancy meal? Besides, a business office is just more professional anyway. You can save the fancy meals for later -- after you've actually gotten their business!


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